Sunday, January 23, 2011

Chocolate Almont Toffee

Chocolate-Almond Toffee
(recipes and more)
2 disposable pie tins
6 oz bag sliced almond (or more depending on how much you like)
6 Hershey chocolate bars
2 sticks butter
3 T. water
1 c. sugar

In the two tins sprinkle a handful of almonds in each to spread across the bottom. In each tin break apart 1 1/2 bars and sprinkle over almonds.

In a large saucepan/pot, melt the sticks of butter, add the sugar & water. Stir with wooden spoon until you feel like your arm is just about to fall off and then right when you think nothing is going to happen (about 5-6 min) it will start turning light brown. Let it continue to darken until it is a little darker (light paper bag brown) and then pour half the mixture in each tin. Immediately break apart another 3 Hershey bars and put 1 1/2 on top of one and 1 1/2 on the other, when it starts to melt (only a few seconds) spread the chocolate with a knife evenly across the toffee. Sprinkle the rest of the almonds on top, cover with foil, refrigerate for one hour or until chocolate is set. Take out and stab with knife until it breaks into several large chunks.

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